Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This isn't a death sentence

This isn't a Death Sentence..
That is what my doctor told me on Friday when she noticed I had tears in my eyes. I did NOT get a thumbs up to start trying to conceive again..in fact, I got a big frown. For one, I gained 5lbs. FIVE freaking pounds in 6 weeks. Really? I know I haven't been perfect, but I know I have been doing better. For two, after going over my lab draw, my TSH was at 11 for November. Freaking 11.."normal" is 5! That is even after 6 weeks on Synthroid 50mg. Given this news, I was very upset. I told the Dr. that we were wanting to start trying again on this cycle and she basically looked at me like I was stupid. She said that with my hormone levels as high there is no way I'd be able to carry a healthy pregnancy. She also wants me to lose 4lbs by May which I think is obtainable if I'm strict, strict, strict. She did not recommend getting pregnant for six months.
This isn't a Death Sentence..

It is sad that when I was younger getting pregnant was my biggest fear, and now that I'm older, wiser and married not being able to have a baby and grow a family is my biggest fear. I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately, but this is about the only thing that's been on my mind. Oh yea, that and hosting my first Thanksgiving as being married for my inlaws. Yikes.


  1. Just from reading your posts, I know that you are working so hard to obtain a healthy weight! You can totally do 4 lbs. by May. Keep your chin up girl, I know it's tough.

    I'll say a little prayer that everything works out : )

  2. Oh, I'm sorry. I can imagine how frustrating this must be for you! You should take the time to get healthy though, so that your body will be able to carry a baby, it will be worth it in the end!

    Take care, and Happy Thanksgiving!
